TEDtalk: How Behavioral Science Can Lower Your Energy Bill

In this February TED talk, Alex Laskey, founder and president of Opower, talks about using psychology to help energy customers lower their costs. The method isn’t what you think. Laskey notes  an experiment asking residents to turn off their air conditioning to save energy. Residents received one of four messages about the request, from saving…

The Clean Energy Security Trust

Last week, president Barack Obama put forth a proposal to create the Clean Energy Security Trust, to research renewable and domestically-produced energy sources. Per the president’s plan, $2 billion would be set side over 10 years that  “will support research into a range of cost-effective technologies – like advanced vehicles that run on electricity, homegrown…

Sequestration and the environment/outdoors

We’ve written before about potential budget cuts to the National Park Service and what it might do to your favorite parks as a result of sequestration — or mandatory, across-the-board federal budget cuts on domestic and defense budgets unless federal lawmakers come to a deal by tomorrow Friday, March 1. Estimates coming out today indicate…