The air out there: How Utah is dealing with winter air pollution

Winter pollution in the Wasatch Front — an area of north central Utah — has some of the worst air quality in the country. It’s baffling in a way, since the area is a hub of outdoor splendor. In February, the New York Times explored the issue: For the last few years, the area has…

There’s more to Shark Week then megalodon

As users of every social media outlet, like Twitter, likely know, it’s Shark Week on Discovery Channel. Sharks are having a bit of a moment right now, thanks to SyFy channel’s made-for-TV movie  Sharknado, about a waterspout that carries sharks out of the ocean and into LA where they eat people and are fended off…

Salmon Watch

Thanks to the U.S. Forest Service, you can watch Sockeye Salmon in Steep Creek, Juneau, Alaska, via an underwater camera. From the Anchorage Daily News: The cam is nearing its peak of the season, with sockeye salmon arriving in large numbers in the middle of July, said U.S. Forest Service fisheries biologist Pete Schneider. “We’re…

National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy

In 2009, Congress asked that the Department of the Interior develop a nationwide “climate change strategy.” The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was subsequently tasked with developing a strategy to  ensure the sustainability of fish, wildlife, plants and habitats in the face of accelerating climate change. The USFW released the plan today, which it calls…

The Clean Energy Security Trust

Last week, president Barack Obama put forth a proposal to create the Clean Energy Security Trust, to research renewable and domestically-produced energy sources. Per the president’s plan, $2 billion would be set side over 10 years that  “will support research into a range of cost-effective technologies – like advanced vehicles that run on electricity, homegrown…

Working for change

Last month, I did this story for Pittsburgh City Paper, on how activists of all stripes make a living. There’s much more to these folks then the signs, bullhorns and civil actions they participate in. Some have full-time jobs. Some take on side projects, personal fundraising or start their own businesses to make ends meet….